difficult:easy #804

International Morse Code defines a standard encoding where each letter is mapped to a series of dots and dashes, as follows: “a” maps to “.-“, “b” maps to “-…”, “c” maps to “-.-.”, and so on.

For convenience, the full table for the 26 letters of the English alphabet is given below:


Now, given a list of words, each word can be written as a concatenation of the Morse code of each letter. For example, “cab” can be written as “-.-.-….-“, (which is the concatenation “-.-.” + “-…” + “.-“). We’ll call such a concatenation, the transformation of a word.

Return the number of different transformations among all words we have.

Input: words = ["gin", "zen", "gig", "msg"]
Output: 2
The transformation of each word is:
"gin" -> "--...-."
"zen" -> "--...-."
"gig" -> "--...--."
"msg" -> "--...--."

There are 2 different transformations, “—…-.” and “—…—.”.

The length of words will be at most 100.
Each words[i] will have length in range [1, 12].
words[i] will only consist of lowercase letters.


int uniqueMorseRepresentations(std::vector<std::string>& words) {
    std::vector<std::string> morse = { ".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.","---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-","...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--.." };
    std::set<std::string> seen;
    for(std::string word:words){
        std::string code;
        for(char c : word){
            code.append(morse[c - 'a']);//'a'->97
    return seen.size();


int uniqueMorseRepresentations(std::vector<std::string>& words) {
    std::string alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    std::vector<std::string> morse = { ".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.","---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-","...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--.." };
    std::map<char, std::string> alpha_code;
    int index = 0;
    for (auto i = alpha.begin(); i < alpha.end(); i++) {
        alpha_code[*i] = morse[index++];
    std::set<std::string> seen;
    for (std::string str : words) {
        std::string str_code;
        for (char c : str) {
            str_code += alpha_code[c];
    return seen.size();


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